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   2022-07-18 互联网综合消息



Energy Aspects全球原油分析师克里斯托弗海恩斯(Christopher Haines)在电子邮件中表示,这些贸易流模式可能会持续下去。美国原油产量正在增长,但增长速度还不足以满足亚洲和欧洲的需求。此外,中东地区向欧洲输送的天然气量似乎也受到了限制。


咨询公司ESA I 的上游分析师Elisabeth Murphy表示,所有人都将关注OPEC如何在未来一年提高产能,以及能重新获得多少市场份额。

郝芬 译自 钻机地带


Europe Becomes Top Market for USA Crude

Europe has surpassed Asia to become the top consumer of American oil for the first time in six years. 

From January to May this year, Europe took an average of about 213.1 million barrels of crude while Asia received 191.1 million barrels, according to the latest available US Census Bureau data. The last time Asia’s volumes fell behind Europe for the same five-month period was in 2016, when the US reversed its crude export ban, data show.

Christopher Haines, global crude analyst for Energy Aspects, said by email:US crude production is growing but not fast enough to accommodate the needs of both Asia and Europe. Additionally, the Middle East appears to be constrained in how much more it can send to Europe. 

The region’s largest producers, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, are already struggling to meet their OPEC+ production commitments to the OPEC+ agreement. Other suppliers, have been grappling with political unrest that has limited exports. 

“All eyes will be on how OPEC manages to increase its capacity for higher production in the year ahead and how much market share it can regain,” said Elisabeth Murphy, an upstream analyst for consultant ESAI. 

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