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   2022-08-17 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据钻机地带8月15日报道,挪威Equinor的Hydrogen to Humber Saltend生产设施已经成功通过了政府集群测序流程

据钻机地带8月15日报道,挪威Equinor的Hydrogen to Humber Saltend生产设施已经成功通过了政府集群测序流程的第二阶段。



Equinor在Keadby与SSE Thermal合作开发和蒂赛德与bp合作开发的两座具有碳捕获功能的燃气发电站投标也取得了成功。

Equinor低碳解决方案高级副总裁Grete Tveit表示,好消息是,政府选择了我们的三个开创性的CCS和氢气项目。它们将有助于关键和碳密集行业的脱碳,保持现有就业岗位,创造新的就业岗位,并为当地提供供应链机会。

H2H Saltend是Equinor的旗舰项目,拥有一个600兆瓦的低碳氢生产厂,位于赫尔以东的Salten化工园(SCP)。亨伯是英国碳密集程度最高的工业区,H2H Saltend可以使SCP和更广泛的东约克郡地区的各种关键行业,每年减少近100万吨的二氧化碳排放。最终选定的项目将于2026年/2027年开始运营。


Equinor还计划在亨伯建设第二个12吉瓦的低碳制氢设施,该设施与H2H Saltend相结合,可以实现英国政府到2030年10吉瓦制氢能力目标的18%。

通过与SSE Thermal的合作,Equinor还计划在Keadby开发世界上第一个大规模的100%氢气发电站,以及在Aldbrough拟议的氢气存储设施。

郝芬 译自 钻机地带


Equinor Proceeding With Large-Scale Hydrogen Project In UK

Equinor’s Hydrogen to Humber Saltend production facility has successfully progressed through Phase 2 of the UK Government’s cluster sequencing process.

The selected projects will now proceed to the due diligence stage of the Phase-2 cluster sequencing process to allow them to connect to the East Coast Cluster’s CO2 infrastructure and be operational in the mid-2020s.

Previously in Phase 1 of the cluster sequencing process, the East Coast Cluster, which connects the Humber and Teesside via CO2 transport and storage infrastructure, was selected to become one of the first two ‘CCUS clusters’ in the UK.

Equinor’s bids for two new gas-fired power stations with carbon capture at Keadby, developed with SSE Thermal, and in Teesside, developed in partnership with BP, have also been successful.

“Fantastic news that the UK Government has selected three of our pioneering CCS and hydrogen projects. They will help decarbonize vital and carbon-intensive industries, preserve existing jobs, and create new ones, as well as provide local supply chain opportunities. We’re excited to continue working closely with the UK Government, our partners, and local stakeholders to deliver these large-scale projects. This further strengthens the UK’s position as a world leader in the energy transition,” Grete Tveit, senior vice president for Low Carbon Solutions at Equinor, said.

H2H Saltend is Equinor’s flagship project with a 600-megawatt low carbon hydrogen production plant, located at the Saltend Chemicals Park (SCP), to the east of Hull. The Humber is the most carbon-intensive industrial region in the UK and H2H Saltend could enable a variety of critical industries at SCP and the wider East Yorkshire area to reduce CO2 emissions by nearly 1 million tons annually. The projects that are finally selected will start operations in 2026/2027.

According to Equinor, H2H Saltend is the kick-starter project for the wider Zero Carbon Humber scheme, a UKRI-supported partnership of 14 organizations committed to making the Humber the world’s first net-zero industrial cluster by 2040.

Equinor is also planning a second 1.2-gigawatt low carbon hydrogen production facility in the Humber which combined with H2H Saltend could deliver 18 percent of the UK Government’s target of 10GW hydrogen production capacity by 2030.

In partnership with SSE Thermal, Equinor is also planning to develop the world’s first at-scale 100 percent hydrogen power station at Keadby and a proposed hydrogen storage facility at Aldbrough.

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