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   2022-08-17 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据钻机地带8月15日消息称,吉宝公司决定收购拥有德国Borkum Riffgrund 2海上风力发电场50%股份的特殊目的载

据钻机地带8月15日消息称,吉宝公司决定收购拥有德国Borkum Riffgrund 2海上风力发电场50%股份的特殊目的载体(SPV) 50.1%的股份。

吉宝企业与吉宝基础设施信托基金 (KIT))的受托管理人吉宝基础设施基金管理公司进行了收购。这些股份以3.126亿美元的价格从海湾能源发展公司购得,该公司是泰国最大的私人电力生产商之一。

收购完成后,海湾能源将保留该SPV的49.99%的股份。Ørsted拥有Borkum Riffgrund 2剩余50%的股份。该交易预计将于2022年第四季度完成。


曹海斌 摘译自 钻机地带


Keppel Invests In German Offshore Wind Farm

Keppel Corporation has decided to acquire a 50.01 percent stake in a special purpose vehicle (SPV) that owns 50 percent of the Borkum Riffgrund 2 offshore wind farm in Germany.

Keppel Corporation entered the buy with Keppel Infrastructure Fund Management, the trustee-manager of the Keppel Infrastructure Trust (KIT). The stake was bought for $312.6 million from Gulf Energy Development, one of Thailand’s largest private power producers.

Post-acquisition, Gulf will retain a 49.99 percent stake in the SPV. Ørsted owns the remaining 50 percent stake in Borkum Riffgrund 2. The transaction is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2022.

Fully operational since 2019, BKR2 has an operating capacity of approximately 465 MW and is located off the coast of Lower Saxony in the North Sea which is an area with high wind availability as reflected in the high average historical capacity factors of more than 40 percent.

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