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   2022-08-09 互联网综合消息




据美国油价网8月8日报道, 高盛公司将本季度布伦特原油价格预测下调至每桶110美元,低于此前预测的每桶140美元,但这家投行仍认为,油价上涨的理由仍然很充分。

高盛公司8月7日在一份报告中称,最近几周,低交易流动性和“上升的忧虑之墙”推低了油价。 高盛公司策略师指出,这些担忧包括对经济衰退的担忧、美国释放战略石油储备(SPR)、产能大国原油产量的反弹,以及与疫情相关的快速封锁。 








李峻 编译自 美国油价网


Goldman Sachs Cuts Oil Price Forecast To $110 This Quarter

·     Goldman Sachs revised down its Brent price forecast for this quarter to $110 a barrel.

·     Goldman Sachs: case for higher oil prices remains strong.

·    "Record low spare capacity" and low inventories remain a strong bullish factor for crude.

Goldman Sachs revised down its Brent price forecast for this quarter to $110 a barrel, down from a previous projection of $140 per barrel, but the investment bank still believes the case for higher oil prices remains strong.

In recent weeks, oil prices have been driven down by low trading liquidity and “a mounting wall of worries,” Goldman said in a note on Sunday. Those worries include fears of recession, the SPR release in the U.S., the rebound in the larger producer crude oil production, and snap COVID-related lockdowns, the bank’s strategists noted.  

Goldman Sachs also revised down its fourth-quarter Brent price forecast to $125 a barrel from $130 per barrel previously expected. The 2023 projection, however, was left unchanged at $125 per barrel.

“We believe that the case for higher oil prices remains strong, even assuming all these negative shocks play out, with the market remaining in a larger deficit than we expected in recent months,” Goldman Sachs’s strategists wrote in the note carried by Bloomberg.

The bank has been bullish on oil all year, and it continues to be bullish on crude prices despite the cut in its near-term price forecasts.

In the middle of July, Goldman Sachs said that despite the ongoing market sell-off, “the skew to prices from here is squarely skewed to the upside.”

With low inventories and a potential Saudi/UAE ramp-up in production in the region of 500,000 barrels per day (bpd), which will further deplete “record low spare capacity,” the risks are firmly skewed to the upside, Goldman Sachs’ analysts wrote in the note in July.

In yesterday’s note, Goldman said, “We still expect that Brent prices will need to rally well above market forwards.”

Oil prices were trading at multi-month lows early on Monday, with Brent below $94 per barrel and WTI Crude just below $88 per barrel.  

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