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   2022-08-23 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据美国油价网8月22日报道,最新的Gas Buddy数据显示,美国汽油价格连续第十周下跌。汽油价格已连续十周下跌

  据美国油价网8月22日报道,最新的Gas Buddy数据显示,美国汽油价格连续第十周下跌。




“虽然上周一些地区的汽油价格略有上涨,但全国平均价格又出现了一周下跌,而且已连续十周下跌。随着油价小幅反弹,下降的速度肯定在放缓,但美国西海岸和东北部地区仍有可能出现汽油价格下跌,而南部和中西部地区则下跌趋势减退,并可能出现上涨。Gas Buddy的石油分析主管帕特里克·德哈恩在周一的一份声明中表示,下降高峰期何时到来仍然是一个未知数。


上周的Gas Buddy数据显示,汽油需求小幅下降1%。


孙美玲 摘译自 美国油价网


Gasoline Prices Dip For 10th Straight Week

U.S. gasoline prices declined for the tenth straight week, according to the latest Gas Buddy data.

Gas prices have receded for 10 straight weeks, falling another 5.1 cents from a week ago to $3.60 per gallon on Monday.

The national average gasoline prices have fallen 51.3 cents from a month ago, although they are still higher year over year by 72.2 cents.

Americans are now paying $450 million less on gasoline than they were in mid-June.

“While some areas saw gas prices rise slightly last week, the national average saw yet another weekly decline, extending the streak to ten straight weeks. The pace of declines is certainly slowing down as oil prices have bounced up slightly, but the West Coast and Northeastern U.S. are areas that still may see gas prices decline, while the South and Midwest see the drop fade and potentially slight increases,” head of petroleum analysis Patrick De Haan said in a Monday statement, adding that the approaching peak hurricane season “remains a wildcard”.

Falling gasoline prices come largely on falling crude oil prices, with WTI falling nearly $10 per barrel over the last 30 days. WTI fell $3.53 per barrel on Monday alone, a 3.89% drop for the U.S. benchmark. Crude oil prices have fallen over the last week as the market fears an economic slowdown that could have a negative impact on demand. Still, the oil market continues to be tight, with inventories shrinking—capping the losses from recession fears.

Gas Buddy data from last week showed a small decline gasoline demand of 1%.

WTI was trading at $87.24 per barrel at 11:19 a.m. ET.

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