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   2022-08-25 互联网综合消息

据能源全球8月23日消息称,德国莱茵集团(RWE)在扩大其在西班牙的太阳能业务方面取得了良好进展:该公司去年在瓜达拉哈拉省启动了两个太阳能发电厂的建设,现在该公司正在实现在西班牙西南部建设一座计划容量为10兆瓦的地面安装光伏发电厂。巴达约斯省Las Vaguados太阳能发电厂的早期施工已经开始。预计将于夏末开始在约21公顷的土地上安装约2万个太阳能电池板。

RWE Renewables Iberia总裁兼首席执行官Robert Navarro表示:“我们很高兴通过我们正在建设的三个新太阳能发电厂为西班牙的能源转型作出贡献。我们总共将安装超过21万个太阳能组件。一旦完成,这些项目将为实现当地的气候目标作出重大贡献,并将为我们在西班牙已经强大的可再生能源足迹增加约100兆瓦的太阳能容量。”

此外,RWE正在建设Casa Valdes和Puerta del Sol太阳能发电厂,每个发电厂的容量为44兆瓦。对于这三个太阳能项目,RWE都使用了双面高性能模块。

曹海斌 摘译自 能源全球


RWE starts construction of a ground-mounted solar farm in Spain

RWE is making good progress in expanding its solar business in Spain: having last year kicked-off the construction for two solar farms in the Province of Guadalajara, the company is now realising a ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) plant with a planned capacity of 10 MWac in the south west of Spain. Early construction works for the solar farm Las Vaguados in the province of Badajoz have already kicked off. The installation of approximately 20 000 solar panels is expected to start in late summer on an area of approximately 21 ha.

Robert Navarro, President and CEO, RWE Renewables Iberia, said: “We are happy to contribute to the energy transition in Spain with our three new solar farms under construction. In total, we will install more than 210 000 solar modules. once completed, these projects will make a substantial contribution to reach the local climate targets and will add approximately 100 MW solar capacity to our already strong renewables footprint in Spain.”

In addition, RWE is constructing the solar farms Casa Valdes and Puerta del Sol, each with a capacity of 44 MWac. For all three solar projects, RWE is using bifacial high-performance modules.

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