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斯伦贝谢、Subsea 7和阿克尔解决方案将合资组建新的水下生产企业

   2022-09-01 互联网综合消息

据美国钻井网站2022年8月30日报道,为了开发更多的储量以及缩短客户的开采周期,全球最大的油田技术服务公司斯伦贝谢公司、挪威海上工程服务提供商阿克尔解决方案公司(Aker Solutions)和挪威海上油气承包商Subsea 7将组建一家水下生产合资公司。


拟议中的合资公司将结合斯伦贝谢公司和阿克尔解决方案公司的水下业务,包括深层油藏领域和工程设计专业知识,广泛的现场验证的水下生产和处理技术组合,世界一流的制造规模和能力,以及为世界各地的客户提供油田全开采期的全面解决方案。Subsea 7公司将成为新合资公司的股权合作伙伴。 

斯伦贝谢公司首席执行官Olivier Le Peuch表示:“由于海上市场(尤其是深水领域)投资的持续增加,我们的客户将受益于增强的服务,利用数字和技术创新来提高水下资产性能,同时提高能源效率和减少二氧化碳排放 。”“我们期待着与阿克尔解决方案公司以及我们的水下集成业务合作伙伴Subsea 7公司在这个新项目上进行合作。”

阿克尔ASA公司总裁兼首席执行官Øyvind Eriksen说:“阿克尔解决方案公司、斯伦贝谢公司和Subsea 7公司在产品和服务、客户和地理位置上都是互补的。此外,斯伦贝谢公司也致力于创新,例如部署数字化解决方案和脱碳技术。”

在拟议的交易完成后,斯伦贝谢公司和Subsea 7公司之间现有的水下集成联盟将进行修订,以便新的合资公司能承担斯伦贝谢公司在联盟中的角色。该联盟也将延长十年任期。 

Subsea 7公司首席执行官John Evans补充道:“我们很高兴能够与斯伦贝谢公司以及阿克尔解决方案公司建立成功的合作关系。这个新的合资公司是我们在综合水下项目上合作的关键一步,为我们的客户带来最大价值。”

除了将其水下业务贡献给合资公司,斯伦贝谢公司还将通过私募向阿克尔解决方案公司发行斯伦贝谢公司价值3.065亿美元的普通股。同时,Subsea 7公司将以3.065亿美元现金的价格购买阿克尔解决方案公司10%的权益。

合资公司还将向阿克尔解决方案公司开出8750万美元的期票。在合资公司结束后,斯伦贝谢公司将拥有70%股份,阿克尔解决方案公司拥有20%股份,Subsea 7公司将拥有剩下的10%股份。  


李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


Schlumberger, Subsea 7, Aker Solutions Form New Subsea Business 

Schlumberger, Aker Solutions, and Subsea 7 will be creating a subsea production joint venture to unlock more reserves and reduce cycle time for customers.

Schlumberger said that the agreement would bring together a portfolio of innovative technologies such as subsea gas compression, all-electric subsea production systems, and other electrification capabilities that help customers meet their decarbonization goals.

The proposed joint venture will combine Schlumberger’s and Aker Solutions’ subsea businesses, which include deep reservoir domain and engineering design expertise, an extensive field-proven subsea production and processing technology portfolio, world-class manufacturing scale and capabilities, and a comprehensive suite of life-of-field solutions for customers all over the world. Subsea 7 will be an equity partner in the new joint venture.

“As investment in the offshore market—particularly in deepwater—continues to increase, our customers will benefit from enhanced services that leverage digital and technological innovation to drive improved subsea asset performance while increasing energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions,” said Schlumberger CEO Olivier Le Peuch. “We look forward to collaborating with both Aker Solutions and our subsea integration partner Subsea 7 on this new venture.”

“Aker Solutions, Schlumberger, and Subsea 7 are complementary businesses, both in terms of products and services, as well as customers and geographical presence. Furthermore, Schlumberger shares our commitment to innovation, such as deploying digital solutions and decarbonization technologies,” said Øyvind Eriksen, President and CEO of Aker ASA.

Upon closing of the proposed transaction, the existing Subsea Integration Alliance between Schlumberger and Subsea 7, will be amended so that the new joint venture will assume Schlumberger’s role in the Alliance. The Alliance will also be renewed for a ten-year term.

“We are excited to build on our highly successful alliance with Schlumberger and partnership with Aker Solutions. This new joint venture is a critical step as we collaborate on integrated subsea projects that drive maximum value for our customers,” added Subsea 7 CEO John Evans.

In addition to contributing its subsea business to the joint venture, Schlumberger will issue Aker Solutions shares of Schlumberger common stock valued at $306.5 million in a private placement. Concurrently, Subsea 7 will purchase its 10 percent interest in exchange for $306.5 million in cash to Aker Solutions.

The joint venture also will issue a promissory note to Aker Solutions for $87.5 million. At closing of the joint venture, Schlumberger will own 70 percent, with Aker Solutions owning 20, while Subsea 7 will own the remaining 10 percent.

The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions and is expected to close in the second half of 2023.

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