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Aker BP将在未来5到6年内投资150亿美元 日增产12.5万桶

   2022-09-01 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据安迅思能源8月30日消息称,石油天然气公司Aker BP将在未来5到6年内投资150亿美元用于挪威大陆架的开发项

据安迅思能源8月30日消息称,石油天然气公司Aker BP将在未来5到6年内投资150亿美元用于挪威大陆架的开发项目。

据Aker BP称,该公司运营的项目将在未来5-6年内为挪威贡献人均14.5万美元、合计173亿美元的税收。

Aker BP首席执行官Karl Johnny Hersvik说:“两年前,挪威议会通过的一揽子措施对供应商行业和整个社会来说都是一个巨大的成功。”

与伦丁能源合并后,Aker BP正在挪威大陆架上开展总共15个开发项目,开发和运营计划将在年内提交给石油和能源部。


曹海斌 摘译自 安迅思能源


Aker BP Investing Over $15B To Increase Production By 125,000 bpd

Oil and gas company Aker BP will invest over $15 billion in development projects on the Norwegian continental shelf over the next five to six years.

According to Aker BP, the projects operated by the company will contribute to 145,000 man-years and $17.3 billion in expected tax payments to the Norwegian State.

“The package of measures adopted by a broad majority in the Norwegian Parliament two years ago has been a fantastic success for both the supplier industry and the society in general,” says Karl Johnny Hersvik, CEO of Aker BP.

Following the merger with Lundin Energy, Aker BP is working on a total of 15 development projects on the Norwegian continental shelf, where the Plan for Development and Operation will be submitted to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy during the year.

The largest development project is in the NOAKA area in the North Sea, coordinated development of several fields where total investments are estimated at about $10 billion. This project alone will create around 50,000 man-years in the development and operation phase.

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