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   2022-09-01 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据世界石油8月30日报道,Horisont Energi公司和海王星能源(Neptune Energy)今天宣布签署合作备忘录 (MoU

据世界石油8月30日报道,Horisont Energi公司和海王星能源(Neptune Energy)今天宣布签署合作备忘录 (MoU),以在挪威开发Errai碳捕获和储存 (CCS) 项目。



海王星能源为该项目带来了地下专业知识和广泛的碳捕获和储存经验,在过去的14年里,它在荷兰北海的K12-B气田重新注入了二氧化碳,以及成为挪威sn ø hvit油田的合作伙伴,该油田自2008年以来一直在注入二氧化碳。

Horisont Energi首席执行官bj ø rgulf haukelid æ ter Eidesen表示:“我们很高兴海王星能源公司选择与我们合作开展这个大型工业CCS项目。市场对二氧化碳储存的需求日益增长。我们认为,该项目和我们的其他CCS活动对于净零过渡至关重要。”

海王星能源公司在挪威和英国的常务董事奥丁·埃斯坦森说:“分享碳中和的愿景,海王星很高兴能与Horisont Energi合作。我们期待利用我们的石油和天然气运营能力,以及我们在碳捕获和储存活动运营方面的丰富经验。”



Errai项目由Horisont Energi公司于2021年发起。

寿琳玲 编译自 世界石油


Horisont Energi, Neptune Energy to develop CCS project in Norway

Horisont Energi and Neptune Energy today announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop the Errai Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project in Norway.

Errai could store 4-8 million tons of CO2 annually, with the potential to store more in later phases. The project includes an onshore terminal for intermediate CO2 storage, with the intention to permanently store the CO2 in an offshore reservoir. 

The onshore terminal would be capable of receiving CO2 from European and domestic customers, including from the planned CO2 terminal at the Port of Rotterdam. Several onshore locations in Southern Norway are being evaluated for the terminal. 

Neptune Energy brings subsurface expertise and extensive carbon capturing and storage experience to the project, having reinjected CO2 in the K12-B gas field in the Dutch North Sea for the last 14 years, as well as being a partner in the Norwegian Snøhvit field, which has been reinjecting CO2 since 2008.

Bjørgulf Haukelidsæter Eidesen, CEO of Horisont Energi, said: “We are delighted that Neptune Energy chose to work with us on this large-scale industrial CCS project. There is a growing demand for CO2 storage in the market. We believe that this project and our other CCS activities are essential for the net zero transition.”

Neptune Energy’s Managing Director for Norway and the UK, Odin Estensen, said: “Sharing the vision of carbon neutrality, Neptune is excited to partner up with Horisont Energi. We look forward to leveraging both our oil and gas operations capabilities as well as our significant experience of operating carbon capture and storage activities. 

“Errai complements Neptune’s strategy to store more carbon than is emitted from our operations and from the use of our sold products by 2030.”

CCS developments are crucial for accelerating the transition to a lower carbon future, and the Errai project can play an important role in this phase.

The Errai project was initiated by Horisont Energi in 2021.

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