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   2022-09-05 互联网综合消息







价值30亿美元的智能电网拨款将提高电力系统的灵活性、效率和可靠性,特别侧重于增加输电系统的容量,防止可能导致野火或其他系统干扰的故障,在输电和配电层面整合可再生能源,并促进越来越多的电动汽车、建筑和其他电网边缘设备的集成。根据这个计划,大规模投资和部署的智能电网技术将为更广泛的市场采用提供途径。这个资助项目具有广泛的适用范围,面向国内实体,包括高等教育机构,盈利性实体,非营利性实体, 州和地方政府实体,以及部落民族。 



李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


USA Investing $10.5B To Strengthen Its Electric Grid

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is seeking input on the $10.5 billion Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnership Program to enhance the resilience and reliability of America’s electric grid.

The DOE is seeking information from states, Tribes, communities, utilities, project developers, and other key stakeholders to help refine the funding opportunity announcement that will be made later this year and to guide the implementation of the funding over five years to enhance the electric grid in support of Infrastructure Law.

These programs will accelerate the deployment of transformative projects that will help to ensure the reliability of the power sector’s infrastructure, so all American communities have access to affordable, reliable, clean electricity anytime, anywhere while helping deliver on the President’s goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035. 

“DOE is moving quickly to upgrade the nation’s power grid in order to provide American households with more reliable and affordable electricity that comes from a more diverse set of clean energy sources,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is investing in improving and expanding transmission and distribution systems across the country, driving down energy costs and generating good-paying jobs.”

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law includes a historic investment to upgrade transmission and distribution systems to improve reliability and resilience of the grid and to facilitate the deployment of clean energy across the country. Today’s announcement represents a key step in delivering on DOE’s coordinated grid strategy laid out in the Building a Better Grid Initiative to upgrade the nation’s grid infrastructure, connect more communities to cheaper, cleaner power, ensure the grid can withstand extreme weather, and meet expanding electricity needs across sectors. 

First of these programs is the Grid Resilience Grants which will provide $2.5 billion in funds. It will support activities that will modernize the electric grid to reduce impacts due to extreme weather and natural disasters. This program will fund comprehensive transformational transmission and distribution technology solutions that will mitigate multiple hazards across a region or within a community, including wildfires, floods, hurricanes, extreme heat, extreme cold, storms, and any other event that can cause a disruption to the power system. This program provides grants to electric grid operators, electricity storage operators, electricity generators, transmission owners or operators, distribution providers, and fuel suppliers.

The Smart Grid Grants worth $3 billion will increase the flexibility, efficiency, and reliability of the electric power system, with particular focus on increasing capacity of the transmission system, preventing faults that may lead to wildfires or other system disturbances, integrating renewable energy at the transmission and distribution levels, and facilitating the integration of increasing electrified vehicles, buildings, and other grid-edge devices. Smart grid technologies funded and deployed at scale under this program will demonstrate a pathway to wider market adoption. This grant program has broad eligibility, open to domestic entities including institutions of higher education; for-profit entities; non-profit entities; and state and local governmental entities, and tribal nations.

The last is the Grid Innovation Program worth $5 billion. It provides financial assistance to one or multiple states, Tribes, local governments, and public utility commissions to collaborate with electric sector owners and operators to deploy projects that use innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure to enhance grid resilience and reliability. Broad project applications are of interest including interregional transmission projects, investments that accelerate interconnection of clean energy generation, utilization of distribution grid assets to provide backup power and reduce transmission requirements, and more. Innovative approaches can range from use of advanced technologies to innovative partnerships to the deployment of projects identified by innovative planning processes to many others.

Furthermore, the DOE expects to release the final Funding Opportunity Announcement for FY22 and FY23 funding that will solicit concept papers 

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