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   2022-09-02 互联网综合消息




在沙特阿拉伯发出这个信号后,欧佩克今年轮值主席、刚果能源部长Bruno Jean-Richard Itoua也表示支持可能的减产。一位熟悉阿联酋想法的消息人士上周告诉路透社,阿联酋对原油市场的看法与沙特阿拉伯类似。




李峻 编译自 美国油价网


OPEC+ Expected To Keep October Output Quota Flat

OPEC+ is expected to keep its October crude oil production target stable from the September quota when the group meets on September 5 to review oil market conditions, a majority of 19 industry observers polled by Bloomberg said.

A total of 15 of the 19 experts surveyed expect the producer group to keep the oil output target for October at the same level as in September when they meet next week. 

In August, Saudi Arabia floated the idea of new production cuts as the Energy Minister of OPEC’s top producer, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, said that OPEC+ was ready to cut production at any time in any form if it believes it would bring stability to the “schizophrenic” oil market.  

After the Saudi signal, OPEC’s rotating president for this year, Congo’s Hydrocarbons Minister Bruno Jean-Richard Itoua, also expressed support for potential cuts. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has similar views to Saudi Arabia on the crude oil markets, a source familiar with the UAE’s thinking told Reuters last week. 

Some other OPEC+ producers, including Iraq, and Kazakhstan, have also signaled support for new production restrictions.

However, OPEC+ is more likely to keep quotas flat for October until it sees how the negotiations on the so-called Iranian nuclear deal would continue, industry observers told the Bloomberg survey. 

Other key factors for OPEC+ to watch in the coming days and weeks include estimates of global oil demand in the third and fourth quarters, as well as the oil supply from a key OPEC+ member.

At the early August meeting, OPEC+ decided to slightly raise the collective target for September by just 100,000 bpd. 

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