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   2022-09-01 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据离岸工程网8月31日报道,日本贸易公司三井集团已向挪威氢气公司投资7000万挪威克朗 (约合700万美元),

据离岸工程网8月31日报道,日本贸易公司三井集团已向挪威氢气公司投资7000万挪威克朗 (约合700万美元),该公司将在北欧地区建设和运营绿色氢气生产基地。

挪威清洁能源运输公司Hexagon Purus是挪威氢的最大股东之一。2022年8月27日,该公司宣布三井投资7000万挪威克朗。



“三井的投资是挪威氢的一个重要里程碑。拥有一家声誉良好的跨国公司作为所有者是我们商业模式的证明。同时,私募使我们的公司和项目得到进一步发展。”挪威氢公司首席执行官Jens Berge说。



挪威氢气公司与三井和第一元素燃料公司签订了合作协议,第一元素燃料公司在加州运营着世界上最大的氢气加气站网络,品牌名称为True Zero。

三井已经是企业“六边形复合材料ASA”及其上市子公司“六边形Purus ASA”的股东。

“我们很高兴加强与挪威氢能公司的伙伴关系,这是我们持续合作伙伴关系的延伸,包括第一元素燃料,以及我们与两家企业的战略联盟。有了这项投资,三井将寻求挪威氢气和三井现有的氢气投资组合之间的协同作用,以支持挪威氢气的增长并加快在欧洲建立可靠的氢气市场。我们一直致力于发展氢基经济。”三井通用功能材料部门的Takafumi Kasai表示。

寿琳玲 编译自 离岸工程


Mitsui invests $7 million in Norwegian Hydrogen

Japanese trading company Mitsui & Co. has invested invests NOK 70 million (around $7 million) in Norwegian Hydrogen, the company that will build and operate green hydrogen production sites in the Nordic region.

Norway’s clean energy transportation company Hexagon Purus is one of the largest shareholders in Norwegian Hydrogen. On On 27 August 2022, it announced that Mitsui & CO. invests NOK 70 million in the company.

Through private placement, Mitsui becomes the second largest owner in the company with a stake of around 15 per cent.

Norwegian Hydrogen will develop, build, and operate production facilities and infrastructure for green hydrogen.

“The investment from Mitsui is an important milestone for Norwegian Hydrogen. To have a reputable multinational company as an owner is a confirmation of our business model. At the same time, the private placement enables further development of our company and projects,” said CEO of Norwegian Hydrogen, Jens Berge.

Norwegian Hydrogen ASA will produce and deliver green hydrogen to the entire Nordic region. The company will build and operate a network of production sites and distribution systems tailored to meet the future requirements for zero-emission fuels in a wide range of mobility sectors and industrial segments. Its infrastructure will be developed in a systematic manner.

The company was established in 2020. It is currently building its first hydrogen factory in Hellesylt, Norway. The Hellesylt Hydrogen Hub will produce hydrogen from the fourth quarter of 2023 onwards, and will, among other things, supply zero-emission fuel to ships.

Norwegian Hydrogen has entered into a cooperation agreement with Mitsui and FirstElement Fuel, which operates the world’s largest network of hydrogen filling stations in California under the brand name True Zero.

Mitsui is already a shareholder of Hexagon Composites ASA and its listed subsidiary Hexagon Purus ASA.

“We are excited to reinforce our partnership with Norwegian Hydrogen as the extension of our ongoing partnership including FirstElement Fuel and also in addition to our strategic alliance with Hexagon Composites and Hexagon Purus. With this investment, Mitsui will seek synergies between Norwegian Hydrogen and Mitsui’s existing investment portfolio in the hydrogen space in order to support Norwegian Hydrogen’s growth and to expedite the establishment of a reliable hydrogen market in Europe. We keep committing ourselves to the development of a hydrogen-based economy,” said Takafumi Kasai, GM Functional Materials Division of Mitsui.

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