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   2022-08-30 互联网综合消息





根据EIA公布的最新每周统计数据,惠廷炼油厂位于PADD 2-a地区,截至8月19日,该地区的产能利用率为95.4%,这是近一年来该地区的最高产能利用率,每天加工399.7万桶原油。  

惠廷炼油厂每天可生产1000万加(约27.7万桶)汽油、400万加仑柴油和200万加仑航空煤油; 惠廷炼油厂的简报称,它每天能够生产足够的汽油,支持700万辆汽车的日常出行。

美国的汽油价格几个月来一直处于下降趋势,但炼油厂的重大停产——如bp的惠廷炼油厂——有能力推高汽油价格。 根据美国汽车协会的数据,美国汽油平均价格为每加仑3.869美元。 印第安纳州的平均汽油价格低于此水平,为每加仑3.841美元。

两周前,bp表示已达成协议,将退出所属哈斯基托莱多炼油厂(日产量16万桶)的股权,将主要精力放在美国惠廷和Cherry Point炼油厂上。

李峻 编译自 美国油价网


BP Looks To Restart The Midwest’s Largest Refinery

BP is still in the process of assessing when a restart of the affected units of its Whiting refinery can take place, BP told Oilprice.com on Friday.

BP continues to work “with local and state agencies as we continue to monitor the impact” of the electrical fire, which saw no one injured.

BP said it was “continuing to assess when a restart of the affected units can take place,” but did not elaborate on how much finished product had been affected. It also provided no date for restart.

The Whiting refinery—the largest refinery in the Midwest—is capable of processing 440,000 barrels per day of crude oil. 

The refinery is located in PADD 2—a region that is running at 95.4% of capacity as of August 19, according to the latest weekly EIA data. This is the highest capacity utilization in almost a year, contributing 3.997 million barrels of crude oil per day.

The Whiting refinery can produce 10 million gallons (~277,000 barrels) of gasoline, 4 million gallons of diesel, and 2 million gallons of jet fuel each day; it is capable of producing enough gasoline every day to support the daily travel of 7 million cars, the refinery factsheet claims. 

Gasoline prices in the United States have been on a downward trend for months, but a significant refinery outage, such as BP’s Whiting refinery, has the power to pressure gasoline prices higher. The national average price for a gallon of gasoline was $3.869, according to AAA data. Indiana’s average was below that at $3.841 per gallon.

Two weeks ago, BP said it had reached a deal to exit its stake in the BP-Husky Toledo Refinery (160,000 bpd), leaving it to focus on its Whiting and Cherry Point refineries in the United States.

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