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   2022-08-29 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据离岸工程8月26日报道, 英国油气公司海王星能源(Neptune Energy)在其位于北海挪威段的Gjøa油田附近发

据离岸工程8月26日报道, 英国油气公司海王星能源(Neptune Energy)在其位于北海挪威段的Gjøa油田附近发现了石油和天然气。



海王星挪威勘探和开发主管Steinar Meland表示,Ofelia的发现验证了我们的勘探战略,并证实了Gjøa附近地区的高勘探潜力。

海王星能源公司在Ofelia发现的生产许可中拥有40%的股份。Wintershall Dea和Pandion Energy各拥有20%的股份,而Aker BP和DNO各拥有10%的股份。



海王星能源公司挪威和英国董事总经理奥丁·埃斯特森(Odin Estensen)表示,Gjøa是海王星在挪威的一个重要增长领域,现有基础设施允许低成本和低碳开发。

郝芬 译自 离岸工程


Neptune Energy discovers oil at Ofelia exploration well offshore Norway

Neptune Energy, an oil and gas company in the UK, has made an oil and gas discovery near its Gjøa field in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.

The Ofelia discovery was made about 15km north of the Gjøa production platform. The estimated recoverable volume is 2.5-6.2 million standard cubic metres or 16-39 million barrels of oil equivalent.

Ofelia lies 15km north of the operating Gjøa platform at a water depth of 344 metres. The discovery could be considered for development as a tie-back to Gjøa in tandem with the company’s recent oil and gas discovery at Hamlet.

“The Ofelia discovery validates our exploration strategy and confirms the high prospectivity potential of the area around Gjøa,” said Steinar Meland, Neptune’s head of exploration and development in Norway.

Neptune Energy owns a 40% stake in the production licence of the Ofelia discovery. Wintershall Dea and Pandion Energy own 20%, whereas Aker BP and DNO own 10% of the stakes. 

According to a spokesperson at Neptune, this is the company’s third discovery in the Agat formation, “a reservoir which until recently was not part of established exploration models on the Norwegian Shelf.”

The Ofelia drilling programme confirmed an oil/water contact at a total vertical depth of 2,639 metres.

Neptune Energy’s Managing Director for Norway and the UK, Odin Estensen, said: “Gjøa is an important growth area for Neptune in Norway, where existing infrastructure allows for low cost and low carbon developments.” 

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