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亚马逊与 Plug Power 签署绿色氢气供应协议

   2022-08-29 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据管道新闻网8月25日消息称,周四,氢燃料电池制造商Plug Power Inc.与亚马逊公司签署了一项供应液态绿色氢

据管道新闻网8月25日消息称,周四,氢燃料电池制造商Plug Power Inc.与亚马逊公司签署了一项供应液态绿色氢的协议,推动这家公司的股价在早盘交易中上涨超过12%。


亚马逊表示,从2025年开始,Plug Power每年将供应10950吨绿色氢,用于替代灰色氢、柴油、化石燃料等。不过,两家公司没有透露供应价格的细节。





曹海斌 摘译自 管道新闻网

Amazon Signs Green Hydrogen Supply Deal with Plug Power

Plug Power Inc. has signed a deal with Amazon.com Inc. to supply liquid green hydrogen, the companies said on Thursday, sending the hydrogen fuel cell maker's shares up over 12% in early trade.

Green hydrogen is often touted as the future of energy, as the flexible and zero-emission fuel can be used for transportation and electricity generation.

Amazon said Plug Power will supply 10,950 tons of green hydrogen every year starting 2025 that it will use to replace grey hydrogen, diesel, and other fossil fuels. The companies, however, did not divulge the supply pricing specifics.

Grey hydrogen is made from natural gas, without the carbon sequestration, and makes up the bulk of the 90 million tonnes of hydrogen produced globally every year.

The green hydrogen deal will provide enough annual power for 30,000 forklifts or 800 heavy-duty trucks, Amazon said.

The world's largest online retailer said that it uses hydrogen to power over 15,000 fuel-cell propelled forklifts, and plans to increase that number to 20,000 units in three years.

Plug said the Amazon deal will help the company grow towards its goal of $3 billion in revenue in 2025.

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