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   2022-09-14 互联网综合消息






郝芬 译自 钻机地带


North America Drops Rigs

North America dropped four rigs week on week, according to Baker Hughes’ latest rotary rig count, which was published on September 9.

Three of the dropped rigs week on week came from Canada, while the other dropped rig came from the U.S., the count showed. The total North America rig count following the rig losses is now said to be 964, comprising 759 U.S. rigs and 205 Canada rigs.

The total U.S. rig count of 759 is made up of 741 land rigs, 15 offshore rigs, and three inland water rigs, according to Baker Hughes’ latest count, which classifies 591 of the total rigs as oil rigs, 166 as gas rigs, and two as miscellaneous rigs. Canada’s total rig count is shown to comprise 140 oil rigs and 65 gas rigs.

Compared to year ago figures, North America has added 318 rigs, with 256 of these coming from the U.S. and 62 coming from Canada, Baker Hughes’ rig count revealed. The U.S. additions comprise 190 oil rigs, 65 gas rigs and one miscellaneous rig, while the Canada additions comprise 53 oil rigs and nine gas rigs, according to Baker Hughes.

Baker Hughes, which has issued the rotary rig counts to the petroleum industry since 1944, describes the figures as an important business barometer for the drilling industry and its suppliers. The company obtains its working rig location information in part from Enverus, which produces daily rig counts using GPS tracking units.

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