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   2022-09-09 互联网综合消息


根据PSP这份最新报告,二叠纪盆地去年还为得克萨斯州税收贡献了118亿美元,为得克萨斯州工业创造了50.88万个就业岗位,并在今年为得克萨斯州公立大学基金贡献了19亿美元的矿产收入。 2023年,二叠纪盆地还将向得克萨斯州高速公路基金捐款35.8亿美元,并在2023年向得克萨斯州雨天基金(也称为应急基金,经济尚佳时拨备10%资金,以供财政资源无法重新分配,或在财政赤字不断追加预算时使用)捐款35.8亿美元,这是有记录以来的最高数额。 



PSP总裁兼首席执行官Tracee Bentley表示:“PSP将致力于提供最新的数据,不仅包括二叠纪盆地对得州经济的影响,还包括我们地区在不断变化的地缘政治格局中的战略角色。”“得州领导人现在有一个历史性的机会,可以投资得州和美国的未来,并通过投资二叠纪盆地的基础设施来保持能源的丰富。”


李峻 编译自 美国钻井网站


Permian Contributes $153B And 700,000 Jobs To U.S. Economy

The Permian Basin’s economic impact on Texas and the nation is growing. By 2050, the region is expected to contribute up to $260 billion in gross product and more than 1,000,000 jobs to the nation’s economy, according to a new report from The Perryman Group and the Permian Strategic Partnership (PSP).

According to the new report, the Permian is also responsible for $11.8 billion in 2021 Texas tax collections, 508,800 Texas industry jobs, and $1.9 billion in 2022 mineral revenue contributions to the Texas Public University Fund. The Permian will also contribute $3.58 billion to the Texas State Highway Fund in 2023 and $3.58 billion to the Texas Rainy-Day Fund in 2023 - the highest amount ever recorded.

“Over the last century, the Permian Basin has been the lifeblood of our nation - providing vital resources, jobs, and economic opportunities,” said Don Evans, PSP Chairman and Former U.S. Commerce Secretary during the George W. Bush Administration. “The Permian Basin is the largest secure supply of energy in the world. Texas should continue to invest in and expand the infrastructure of the region. This will enhance the ability for the energy industry to provide the energy resources necessary to keep our nation’s economy strong and country secure.”

The Permian Basin is one of the top energy-producing regions in the world, with abundant natural and renewable resources. With 94.5 billion barrels of known recoverable oil and 213.3 trillion cubic feet of known recoverable natural gas, the Permian Basin helps fuel the state and national economies. It’s home to just 1.6 percent of the Texas population but is responsible for 7.8 percent of the state’s private sector GDP.

“The PSP is committed to providing current data about not only the Permian Basin’s impact on the Texas economy but also on the strategic role of our region in an ever-evolving geopolitical landscape,’ said president and CEO of the PSP Tracee Bentley. “Texas leaders have a historic opportunity to invest in the future of our state and country and keep energy abundant by investing in Permian Basin infrastructure.”

While the Permian Basin’s contribution is substantial, there is still room for improvement. An additional $1 billion in investments in Permian Basin Infrastructure could result in 4,500 fewer fatalities and injuries, 1 million few hours in traffic delays, and $1.5 billion in economic benefits from increased safety and fewer delays.

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