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   2022-09-21 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据海上能源9月20日报道,总部位于美国的海上承包商麦克德莫特国际公司(McDermott International)已获得道

据海上能源9月20日报道,总部位于美国的海上承包商麦克德莫特国际公司(McDermott International)已获得道达尔能源授予的一份重要合同,涉及其Begonia海上项目的工程设计、采购、供应、施工、安装、预调试以及调试和启动协助(EPSCI)。




对于这份合同,麦克德莫特公司将使用其专业海洋施工船船队。North Ocean 102将安装脐带缆,Amazon将使用其J-lay管道系统和先进技术安装刚性管道。

麦克德莫特海底和深水部高级副总裁Mahesh Swaminathan表示,Begonia项目是公司在安哥拉的第一个水下项目,支持了在非洲发展的战略重点。


郝芬 译自 离岸工程


McDermott gets its first subsea project in Angola

U.S.-based offshore contractor McDermott International has been awarded a significant contract by TotalEnergies for engineering, procurement, supply, construction, installation, pre-commissioning and assistance to commissioning and start-up (EPSCI) on its Begonia offshore project.

McDermott defines a significant contract as worth between $250 million and $500 million.

The Begonia field is located offshore Angola in block 17/06 in water depths between 400 to 750 meters. TotalEnergies made a final investment decision for the project in late July 2022. The project will collect hydrocarbons from a reservoir, via a subsea-to-subsea tie-back to an existing floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) unit, the Pazflor.

McDermott informed on Tuesday that it will provide all EPSCI services for subsea umbilicals, water injection and production flowlines. There are three production wells in total which are gathered through a multiphase production flowline, approximately 12 miles (20 kilometres) in length. The two water injection wells are connected back to an existing riser.

For this contract, McDermott will use its fleet of speciality marine construction vessels. The North Ocean 102 will install the umbilicals, and the Amazon will install the rigid pipelines using its J-lay pipeline system and advanced technology.

Mahesh Swaminathan, Senior Vice President, Subsea and Deepwater for McDermott, said: “The Begonia Project represents our first subsea project in Angola and supports our strategic focus to grow our footprint in Africa.”

Project management and engineering will be executed by McDermott’s teams in London and Kuala Lumpur while the fabrication will be executed in Angola.

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