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   2022-10-08 互联网综合消息



壳牌马来西亚子公司沙巴壳牌石油公司(Sabah Shell Petroleum)表示,将与合作伙伴一起投资Gumusut-Kakap-Geronggong-Jagus East(GKGJE)深水海上开发项目的第4期。但没有透露具体金额。


壳牌在GKGJE项目中的合作伙伴包括ConocoPhillips Sabah、Petronas Carigali、PTTEP Sabah Oil Limited、PT Pertamina Malaysia Eksplorasi Produksi等。

GKGJE项目将恢复下降的马来西亚旗舰出口等级Kimanis原油产量。由于缺乏投资以及Gumusut Kakap和Malikai油田的技术问题,Kimanis的产量一直在下降。

当天早些时候,马来西亚国家能源巨头马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas)表示,Gumusut-Kakap (GK)深水油田三期项目于7月31日实现了首次石油生产。





郝芬 译自 油气新闻网


Shell to invest in second Malaysia oil, gas project in a month

Shell announced a second investment in Malaysia's oil and gas sector in a month as the major and its partners, including Petronas, aim to revive output in an environment of tight global supply.

Shell's decisions come after the war disrupted the larger producer's oil and gas supplies and boosted prices. Oil and gas producers in Asia are struggling to sustain output after years of under-investment in the sector as international companies scaled back to focus on exploration and production in Africa and the Americas.

Sabah Shell Petroleum, a Malaysian unit of Shell, said it will invest in phase 4 of the Gumusut-Kakap-Geronggong-Jagus East (GKGJE) deepwater offshore development project along with its partners. No amounts were given.

The GKGJE phase 4 development is a subsea tie-back project that is expected to achieve first oil in late 2024, Shell Malaysia said in a statement.

Shell's partners in the GKGJE project include ConocoPhillips Sabah, Petronas Carigali, PTTEP Sabah Oil Limited, PT Pertamina Malaysia Eksplorasi Produksi and others.

The GKGJE project will reviving declining output of Kimanis crude, Malaysia's flagship export grade. Kimanis production has been falling because of a lack of investment and because of technical issues at the Gumusut-Kakap and Malikai fields.

Earlier in the day, Malaysia's state energy major Petronas said the phase 3 project at the Gumusut-Kakap (GK) deepwater field achieved its first oil production on July 31.

Two new oil producer wells and two water injector wells were drilled at the GK field, the company added.

"once fully completed in Q1 2023, the four wells will add around 25,000 barrels per day to GK’s existing production capacity," Petronas said.

Last month, Shell announced plans to invest with Petronas to develop the Rosmari-Marjoram gas fields off the coast of Bintulu in the Malaysian state of Sarawak.

The project is designed to produce 800 million standard cubic feet of gas per day, with gas production expected to start in 2026, Shell said in a statement. 

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