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   2022-09-27 互联网综合消息






在价格上涨的支持下,亚太地区的电力市场将在未来十年吸引2.9万亿美元的投资。可再生能源将成为主要受益者:所需投资的60%(或1.8万亿美元)将流向清洁能源。 风能和太阳能将占据最大份额。

同时,到2050年前,化石燃料在能源结构中的占比将从现在的67%逐渐下降到不足三分之一。 许多成长型市场仍然依赖煤炭,但随着整个地区的脱碳目标已经确定,重点正在转向可再生能源。 




李峻 编译自 油价网


Renewables In Asia Pacific A $1.8 Trillion Opportunity

Asia Pacific continues to set the pace for power market growth, creating a $1.8 trillion opportunity for renewables in the next decade.

Wood Mackenzie said that Asia Pacific has had a 200% increase in power demand over the past two decades. Power demand in the region rose to nearly half the global total in 2021, as the market expanded by 6.5% – far outpacing the rest of the world.

By 2040, APAC’s power demand growth will average 2.5%, nearly double the rate of other regions and there will be huge opportunities for solar and wind as fossil fuels decrease in importance and the region decarbonizes. But even as demand for electricity climbs and power prices soar, risks to renewables developers are mounting with supply chain, curtailment, financing, and policy risks on the rise. Adding more uncertainty, the outlook for gas and LNG has changed significantly in the wake of the  war .

As in other regions, Asia Pacific’s power generation costs are going up. LNG, coal, fuel oil, and diesel prices have all dramatically increased since the second quarter of 2021.

Overall, generation costs will be $650 billion more each year for the next three years – a two-thirds increase in 2021 numbers. End users will bear the brunt of these hikes, with power set to be 27% more expensive, or a total of $1.7 trillion more over the next three years to 2025.

Supported by price inflation, Asia Pacific’s power market sector will attract $2.9 trillion in investment in the next decade. Renewables will be a major beneficiary: 60% of the investments – or $1.8 trillion – needed will go into clean energy. Wind and solar will make up the lion’s share.

Meanwhile, fossil fuels will decline gradually from 67% of the power mix today to less than a third by 2050. Many growth markets still rely on coal – but with decarbonization targets now set across the region, the emphasis is on shifting to renewables.

Woodmac believes that there were huge opportunities to play for, but also sees that the challenges were mounting.

Renewable developers are increasingly exposed to risk as supply chain and financing costs rise and grid integration issues worsen. Curtailment also poses a risk to revenue. Solar and wind capacity is heading towards 90% of peak grid load in some markets by 2030. And not enough is being invested in storage – by the end of this decade, storage levels will only be at 15% of peak grid load.

Considering the full costs of renewables – including transmission, battery storage, and gas peaker reserve units – they are not currently competitive with coal in the region.

Nonetheless, the direction of travel is clear. Asia Pacific will add an average of 327 GW/year of new power generation capacity in the next decade, with solar and wind hitting 200 GW/year.

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