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   2022-09-27 互联网综合消息



PM302区块由赫斯公司的子公司赫斯勘探&生产马来西亚公司运营,其拥有50%的参与权益,与拥有剩余50%股份的Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd合作。


马来西亚国家石油公司马来西亚石油管理(MPM)高级副总裁Mohamed Firouz Asnan表示,我们很高兴赫斯对马来西亚整个行业周期的业务有着长远的眼光,展示了对马来西亚上游行业的信心。我们继续共同开发NMB项目,以释放该区块的全部潜力。这对双方都是一个重要的里程碑,因为NMB三期项目是在不断增长的需求中维持马来西亚半岛天然气供应的关键。


郝芬 译自 OE


Hess Starts Gas Production from NMB Phase 3 Project Offshore Malaysia

U.S. oil firm Hess has started gas production from the North Malay Basin (NMB) Phase 3 project in Block PM302, located 290 kilometres offshore Peninsular Malaysia.

Malaysian oil and gas giant Petronas shared the news of production startup on Monday.

Block PM302 is operated by Hess Corporation’s subsidiary, Hess Exploration and Production Malaysia B.V. (Hess) with a 50 percent participating interest, in partnership with Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, which owns the remaining 50 percent. 

The NMB Phase 3 project was sanctioned in 2019 and is part of a multi-phase development. It includes the installation of the new Bergading-B Wellhead Platform that adds another 100 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd) of gas supply from Block PM302, bringing the total production to 400 MMscfd. 

Petronas Senior Vice President of Malaysia Petroleum Management (MPM), Mohamed Firouz Asnan, said, “We are pleased that Hess has taken a long-term view of the business in Malaysia across industry cycles, demonstrating confidence in Malaysia's upstream industry. Together, we have continued to develop the NMB project to unlock the full potential of the block. This is a major milestone for both partners, as the NMB Phase 3 project is key in sustaining Peninsular Malaysia’s gas supply amid rising demand.” 

“The close collaboration between Block PM302 parties and their service providers in overcoming challenges during the pandemic delivered this successful completion, which reflects the overall resilience of the Malaysian Upstream ecosystem,” he added.

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