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   2022-09-23 互联网综合消息



卡塔尔能源公司首席执行官Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi在这次讲话中强调,卡塔尔能源公司坚定致力于减轻气候变化的影响。


通用电气燃气动力欧洲、中东和非洲地区首席执行官Joseph Anism说:“探索燃烧前技术,如使用低碳燃料发电,以及燃烧后技术,如碳捕获和封存,可能会显著减少卡塔尔能源公司设施的二氧化碳排放。展望未来,卡塔尔有可能通过帮助试点,成为氢、氨和碳捕获与封存领域的全球领先者并将这些技术推广到世界其他地区。”

寿琳玲 编译自 离岸工程


QatarEnergy and GE team up on carbon capture roadmap

LNG major QatarEnergy signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with U.S. firm General Electric (GE) to collaborate on developing a carbon capture roadmap for the energy sector in Qatar. 

The focus of the MoU is to explore the feasibility of developing a world-scale carbon hub at Ras Laffan Industrial City.

In remarks on this occasion, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, CEO of QatarEnergy, stressed QatarEnergy’s strong commitment to mitigating the effects of climate change.

“This MoU affirms QatarEnergy’s Sustainability Strategy and our efforts to implement effective measures to curb emissions and produce cleaner energy using the latest proven emissions reduction technologies. We are pleased to work with GE, who is a strategic partner, to pursue all available avenues including the use of clean energy carriers such as hydrogen as a fuel for gas turbines coupled with efficient and affordable carbon capturing technologies from such turbines, on an unprecedented scale, to achieve a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions,” he said.

Joseph Anism CEO of GE Gas Power Europe, Middle East, and Africa, said: “Exploring pre- combustion technologies such as the use of low carbon fuels to generate power, and post combustion technologies such as carbon capture and sequestration, can potentially significantly reduce the CO2 emissions from QatarEnergy’s facilities. 

Looking ahead, Qatar has the possibility of becoming a leading global player in the areas of hydrogen, ammonia, and CCS by helping to pilot and scale up these technologies for the rest of the world.”

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