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   2022-09-23 互联网综合消息





由于欧洲从产能大国天然气转向,短期内仍需要天然气和液化天然气投资。地缘政治冲突引发了全球天然气市场的巨大变化——其中很大一部分是不可逆转的。 欧洲对LNG的需求尤其飙升。




价格下跌和需求不确定性将不可避免地影响对大型固定基础设施项目的数十亿美元投资,比如新的大型国际管道。低油价还将挑战高成本非常规油气上游开发的经济效益,降低进一步勘探的意愿。由于市场收缩速度相比资产利用时间更快, 现有的基础设施资产可能得不到充分利用。

李峻 编译自 美国钻井网


Gas And LNG Have A Role To Play In Net-Zero World

Gas and LNG have an important role to play in realizing a 1.5-degree scenario by 2050 – but the resulting market could be unrecognizable, Wood Mackenzie believes.

An accelerated energy transition scenario (AET-1.5) explores a pathway on which the rise in global temperatures since pre-industrial times is limited to 1.5 °C by the end of this century and reach global net-zero by 2050. Under AET-1.5, hydrocarbon demand declines rapidly, except for natural gas.

While decarbonization measures undoubtedly put pressure on end-use energy demand, gas still has a crucial role to play. The phase-out of coal supports gas, and there’s also a growing need for gas as a feedstock for blue hydrogen. And, crucially, with widespread electrification and buildout of renewables, gas paired with carbon capture and storage (CCS) can be a source of flexibility and dispatchable generation – even as battery technology is advancing.

However, Woodmac believes that this is only possible if CCS technology improves, allowing for an efficient, low-cost method of reducing emissions from gas.

Near-term gas and LNG investment is still needed as Europe pivots from the larger producer's gas. The war sparked a massive shift in the global gas market – much of it irreversible. Demand for LNG in Europe in particular has soared.

However, a raft of FIDs, which has already begun and is likely to continue into the next year, will fill up this space quickly. FID momentum has continued after the 50 mmtpa of new capacity was sanctioned in 2021. 

Later this year, in the U.S., Woodmac expects the second phase of Plaquemines and Cheniere’s Corpus Christi Stage 3 to follow, amongst others. This activity – coupled with continued expansion in Qatar – increases the risk of oversupply in the late-2020s or early-2030s in an AET-1.5 scenario. The window of opportunity will open again after that as Asian demand continues to grow but will be limited by long-term gas demand reduction.

Longer term gas demand decline is unavoidable in a 1.5-degree pathway. And the market could become more competitive and dynamic as green commodities for decarbonization, such as hydrogen and ammonia, enter the market in big way.  

Inevitably lower prices and demand uncertainty would impact multi-billion-dollar investments into major fixed infrastructure projects – such as new large-scale international pipelines. Low prices would also challenge the economics of high-cost unconventional upstream developments and reduce the appetite for further exploration. Existing infrastructure assets may go underutilized as the market contracts faster than some assets reach the end of their lives.

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