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   2022-10-10 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据MRCHUB网站10月7日莫斯科报道,空气产品和化学品公司(Air Products and Chemicals Inc.)周四说,该公司计

据MRCHUB网站10月7日莫斯科报道,空气产品和化学品公司(Air Products and Chemicals Inc.)周四说,该公司计划投资约5亿美元,在纽约州马塞纳(Massena)的一个新地点建造、拥有和运营一座日产35吨的绿色液态氢生产工厂,以生产绿色液态氢,以及液态氢配送和分配业务。


为了支持这个项目,今年7月,纽约电力局(New York Power Authority)董事会批准向空气产品公司提供94兆瓦的低成本圣劳伦斯(St. Lawrence)水力发电项目,作为对该项目的投资,并为纽约州创造了90个就业机会。




郝芬 译自 MRCHUB


Air Products to Invest in N.Y. green liquid hydrogen production plant

Air Products and Chemicals Inc. said Thursday that it plans to invest about $500 million to build, own and operate a 35 metric ton a day facility to produce green liquid hydrogen at a new site in Massena, N.Y., as well as liquid hydrogen distribution and dispensing operations, said the company.

The company said the commercial operation of the facility is targeted to begin in 2026-2027.

In support of this project, in July, the New York Power Authority board approved 94 megawatts of low-cost St. Lawrence hydroelectric power to Air Products for its investment and the creation of 90 jobs in New York state.

Air Products said it is also investigating the feasibility of establishing a hydrogen fueling station network in the U.S. northeast region, including the ability to serve Air Products' truck fleet. Air Products has announced plans to convert its global fleet of roughly 2,000 trucks to hydrogen fuel-cell zero-emission vehicles.

The low-carbon intensity liquid hydrogen product from the facility is expected to be sold to the mobility market in New York state, as well as other potential northeast industrial markets. If all the hydrogen is used for the heavy-duty truck market, future climate benefits over the project's lifetime would include avoiding more than six million tons of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to the emissions from over 600 million gallons of diesel used in heavy-duty trucks, the company said.

We remind, Air Products announced plans to start construction of a second hydrogen liquefaction plant in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. This new source is in addition to the company's existing liquid hydrogen plant in Botlek, the Netherlands. once operational in 2025, the plant will double Europe's total current liquid hydrogen capacity.

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