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尽管美国原油库存大幅增加 当地油价仍上涨

   2022-10-17 互联网综合消息



在燃料方面,EIA报告的变化喜忧参半。上周美国汽油库存增加200万桶,而前一周则减少470万桶。上周汽油平均日产量为920万桶,而前一周为1000万桶。在馏分燃料方面,EIA估计截至10月7日当周库存减少490万桶。 相比之下,前一周库存减少340万桶。

上周馏分燃料平均日产量为490万桶,而前一周为520万桶。 上周炼油厂日均加工量为1570万桶,开工率为89.9%。




李峻 编译自 油价网


Oil Jumps Despite Major Crude Inventory Build

Crude oil prices moved lower today after the Energy Information Administration reported a crude oil inventory build of 9.9 million barrels for the week to October 7, but the move lower didn't last long.

At 439.1 million barrels, U.S. crude oil inventories are 1 percent below the five-year average for this time of the year. A week earlier, inventories recorded a draw of 1.4 million barrels.

In fuels, the EIA reported mixed changes.

Gasoline stocks added 2 million barrels last week, which compared with a 4.7-million-barrel decline for the previous week. Production averaged 9.2 million barrels daily last week, which compared with 10 million bpd a week earlier.

In distillate fuels, the EIA estimated an inventory draw of 4.9 million barrels for the week to October 7. This compared with a draw of 3.4 million barrels for the previous week.

Distillate fuel production averaged 4.9 million barrels daily last week, which compared with 5.2 million bpd the previous week.

Refineries processed an average of 15.7 million bpd last week, operating at a utilization rate of 89.9 percent.

Even so, distillate stocks remain rather depleted, both in the United States and in Europe. This has led to a spike in diesel prices on both sides of the Atlantic, with Bloomberg reporting prices of $190 on a barrel-equivalent basis in California and nearly $170 in the New York Harbor.

“The global diesel market is very strong at the moment,” Mark Williams, research director at Wood Mackenzie told Bloomberg.

“Higher diesel prices have the potential to create even stronger inflationary pressures, especially if the current price spike is sustained, adding significant downside risk to demand and increasing the chances of a global recession,” he added.

Meanwhile, oil prices remain subdued as recession fears weighed down on them despite the OPEC+ decision to reduce production by about 1 million bpd and production targets by 2 million bpd.

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