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   2022-10-25 互联网综合消息
核心提示:据OE网10月24日报道,葡萄牙油气公司Galp Energia周一报告,由于油价飙升和炼油利润率几乎翻番,调整后的第

据OE网10月24日报道,葡萄牙油气公司Galp Energia周一报告,由于油价飙升和炼油利润率几乎翻番,调整后的第三季度利润增长16%。


Galp 7月至9月调整后的净利润为1.87亿欧元,高于一年前的1.61亿欧元,也超过该公司21位分析师预计的1.77亿欧元。



Galp上周表示,该公司液化天然气的主要供应商尼日利亚液化天然气公司(Nigeria LNG)宣布,由于大范围洪水,该公司可能面临进一步的采购中断。尼日利亚供应不规律迫使Galp在现货市场以更高价格购买天然气,导致今年上半年亏损1.35亿欧元。


郝芬 译自 OE


Galp's Adjusted 3Q Income Up on Higher Oil prices, Better Margins

Portuguese oil and gas company Galp Energia reported a 16% increase in adjusted third-quarter profit on Monday, thanks to soaring oil prices and a near-doubling of its refining margin. 

Oil and gas companies around the world received a boost after the war sent energy prices soaring just as demand was rapidly recovering with the lifting of pandemic restrictions. 

Galp's July-September adjusted net profit was 187 million euros, up from 161 million euros a year earlier and above the 177 million euros expected by 21 analysts polled by the company. 

In a statement, Galp said its results reflected a strong operational performance across its businesses, highlighting how upstream and industrial activities had benefited from a strong macro environment. Adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) rose 29% to 784 million euros, though fell short of the average forecast of 830 million euros. 

Higher oil prices lifted its upstream adjusted EBITDA by 17% to 612 million euros, despite its share of oil and gas production from projects in which it has a stake remaining almost stable at 127,600 barrels of oil equivalent per day. Brent oil prices rose to an average of $110.8 a barrel in the third quarter from $73.4 a year ago, Galp said. 

Galp said last week it could face further sourcing disruptions after Nigeria LNG, the company's main supplier of liquefied natural gas, declared force majeure due to widespread flooding. Irregular Nigerian supply has forced Galp to buy natural gas at higher prices on the spot market, leading to a loss of 135 million euros in the first half of the year. 

Investment bank Jefferies expects Galp to be one of the companies most at risk from the outage, with Nigeria supplying almost half of Portugal's LNG last year. Galp's main activity is upstream in the rich 'off shore' of Brazil, but it also has a small exploration and production operation in Angola and runs renewable energy plants.

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