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   2013-05-09 中国能源网

“扎耶德未来能源奖”是阿联酋为纪念已故阿布扎比酋长及阿联酋奠基人谢赫·扎耶德·本·苏旦·阿勒纳哈扬于2008年设立的,奖金总额为400万美元,每年评选一次,目的在于表彰在新能源与可持续发展领域做出突出贡献的个人、企业和组织。2013年,比亚迪公司就凭借其在太阳能、储能和电动车等新能源领域的创新、远见和领导力,以及为世界可持续发展做出的巨大贡献,成为首家荣获“扎耶德未来能源奖”入围奖的中国企业。随着2014年度的报名活动的开启,作为扎耶德未来能源奖总监的Nawal Al-Hosany博士接受了中国能源网的邮件采访,就扎耶德未来能源奖的具体情况及目前中国在新能源领域的发展状况及面临的问题进行沟通交流。以下是采访正文:

China5e: Currently, China is suffering from severe air pollution. People living in Beijing are hard to see blue sky and white clouds all the year round. It’s widely believed that the pollution is caused by burning of coal/oil and car exhaust. Some experts pointed out that using clean energy is the solution. What measures do you think China should take to promote the use of clean energy·


Nawal Al-Hosany:The UAE believes in the adoption of an energy mix .Integrating clean energy into the energy mix is key. The UAE has started to make progress on this front and I am confident that more developing countries will also gradually increase the use of renewable and clean energy such as wind and solar.


To achieve this, we need to invest in technology that can make renewable energy reliable and economical. Innovation in technology is key to helping developing countries diversify the energy mix.


Governments have an important role to play. In developed countries - where renewable energy has witnessed big strides of development -government policy support and investment have been vital in propelling the take-off of the whole industry and the market. So far, the Chinese government has been active in encouraging the development of the clean energy sector through investment and pro-business policies that encourage healthy competition among renewable energy companies. More can be done to support the RE sector through investment in education and infrastructural development (e.g. power grid expansion) so that clean energy companies have better access to talent and can broaden their market share.


I would like to share some best practices adopted by Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company. based in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, Masdar has been relentlessly working to integrate cleaner, more sustainable sources of power.


At Masdar Clean Energy, we are developing some of the largest and most innovative renewable energy projects in the world. We recently inaugurated Shams 1, a 100-megawatt concentrated solar power project in Abu Dhabi, which generates enough electricity to power 20,000 homes, and save 175,000 tons of CO2 per year, equivalent to planting 1.5 million trees, or taking 15,000 cars off the road. It’s a major step in the diversification of our energy mix and its completion, which proves the viability of solar energy in the region, will pave the way for other nations to invest and build large-scale renewable energy. We also recently launched The Sheikh Zayed Solar Power Plant, a utility-scale, 15-megawatt solar photovoltaic (PV) facility in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania which will displace approximately 21,225 tons of carbon dioxide annually.


At Masdar City, we are building a sustainable urban development from the bottom up. This is an example of government investment to build a hub for new technology and promote a zero-pollution lifestyle.


At Masdar Capital, we are investing in the next generation of clean technology companies;

在马斯达尔资本(Masdar Capital),我们正在投资新一代的清洁技术公司;

And at Masdar Institute, we have established a one-of-a-kind graduate research university dedicated to renewable energy and clean technology. We are building talent and knowledge for new energy development there.

马斯达尔学院 (Masdar Institute)已经建成为一个致力于可再生能源和清洁技术的独一无二的研究型大学,以此为新能源的发展储备知识与人才。

The Middle East is rapidly investing and adopting renewable energy. There are socioeconomic benefits to incubating and developing a domestic renewables industry. An estimated $240 million went to local businesses hired to help design, build and complete Shams 1. And running the sophisticated facility are 66 highly specialized, full-time jobs. These are the type of jobs that encourage sector growth and train our next generation of energy leaders. Through this type of human capital development, our country is able to strengthen its competitive edge as global energy pioneers – today and into the future.


China5e: The global PV industry is facing a big challenge at present. China’s PV enterprises are struggling; Suntech's bankruptcy is an example. In your opinions, what is the key problem in the development of China's solar industry· And how could China improve the situation·


Nawal Al-Hosany: China and the UAE share common challenges as fast-growing economies where the need and demand for clean energy continues to grow steadily. The country has a thriving solar PV industry which has lowered unit pricing – this has been beneficial to the entire industry.


I think the priority of the global RE sector, including China is to continue to innovate in terms of technology and solutions to satisfy  growing energy needs. Governments  need to continue to foster and support more companies to continue to innovate. Innovation is the key to furthering technology for solar PV to continue to grow.


PV enterprises can look into carrying out more fundamental and cutting-edge research to help them stay competitive. This will also help the solar industry weather more economic and market storms to sustain their development in China or international markets.


Masdar and Abu Dhabi would welcome an exchange of knowledge and human capital with China to build on our respective strengths in RE, so we can work together to address the energy challenges of the future.


China5e: As we all know, comparing with those developed countries, developing countries still have a lot to do on increasing investment on science and technology and encouraging development of renewable energy. As the world’s preeminent award for innovation in renewable energy and sustainability, what the specific measures do you think ZFEP could take to promote the development of new energy technology in China·


Nawal Al-Hosany:While market forces are traditionally the key drivers for finding solutions to global challenges – such as energy access and climate change – additional catalysts such as prizes can reward and incentivize innovation when the market leaves a gap. This is particularly true today, as we have a weakened global economy, which could use an extra nudge.


The Zayed Future Energy Prize is an annual US$ 4 million prize that recognizes excellence in renewable energy and sustainability and rewards innovative technologies and solutions that will help us solve the energy challenge – across the globe. The Prize embodies the vision of the late founding father of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan who laid the foundation for the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the UAE. The Prize is managed by Masdar, on behalf of the Abu Dhabi government and seeks to award achievements and innovation in the fields of sustainability and renewable energy, as well as to educate and inspire future generations.


The Prize rewards five categories: a recognition award for Large corporations, 1.5 million dollars to a Small and Medium Enterprise, 1.5 million dollars to a Non-Governmental Organization, 0.5 million dollars as a Lifetime Achievement Award and another half a million dollars to Global High Schools – which is distributed between five schools from five different regions (the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania).


We have already attracted several companies in China to submit for the Prize and BYD China was selected as a finalist for the 2013 edition in the Large Corporation category. We would like to encourage increased participation from China – SMEs, NGOS, individuals, schools and large corporations – so they can benefit from the award as well as the global recognition that the Zayed Future Energy Prize offers.


The Zayed Future Energy Prize will visit China in June to meet with relevant industry associations and policy makers as part of our outreach campaign, so we can encourage more submissions and hopefully potential winners from China.


Nawal Al-Hosany简介:

Nawal Al-Hosany博士毕业于阿联酋大学工程学院,并在英国纽卡斯尔大学获得博士学位。她被认为是阿联酋最早登上乞力马扎罗山(世界最高独立山峰,海拔5,895米)的两位女性之一。Nawal Al-Hosany博士于2011年起担任扎耶德未来能源奖总监职位,负责管理和指导该奖项目标,工作进程和战略性决策的实施。Nawal Al-Hosany博士是马斯达尔投资有限责任公司董事会的成员,也是阿联酋标准计量局的成员。同时她还是马斯达尔科学技术研究院的兼职教授。她致力于走在社会科学和可持续发展的前端。为此,她一直在参加各种专业课程,不断寻求机遇学习最前沿的项目管理方法,以及与领导力,策划,和决策支持机制方面的相关技能。

Nawal Al-Hosany博士在整个职业生涯她一直活跃在阿联酋国内外各种组织活动中,包括由联合国气候变化框架公约倡议的变革举措势头顾问小组;The Troika+ 性别与气候变化女性领导组织,气候公平对话咨询委员会(the Climate Justice Dialogue Advisory Committee)(由世界研究基金会(the World Research Foundation)倡议)以及能源效率全球论坛(the Energy Efficiency Global Forum)等。

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